Be Still
I'd like to share a song that has touched me deeply - Still by HillsongHide me now, under your wings
Cover me, within your mighty hand
*When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father, you are King over the flood
I will be still, and know you are God
Find rest my soul, in Christ alone
Know His power, in quietness and trust
This song always reminds me of the story in which Jesus calms the storm. But my focus is on the part before Jesus woke up to calm the storm. I will always remember that sermon on the attitudes of the disciples on the ship. I think it's easy to forget that God is always with us, especially in times of trouble, and we start panicking and start taking matters in our own hands.
Notice how the lyrics did not say "Jesus will calm the storm", but instead it says "I will soar with You above the storm". Imagine riding the waves with Him!
I guess everyone comes with a baggage, whether big or small, and these troubles don't necessarily go away in a day, in a week, or even in a few years; honestly, these troubles may never go away, especially when they have to do with people around us. We may often try to improve the situation by trying to change the people around us. But people can't change people, we can't even try to change ourselves or persist in the change on our own! God changes people, in His time.
Sometimes we may feel like these troubles only seem to get worse, and not better. For me, I always feel that these troubles are actually training grounds for me to become more of the lady God has designed me to be; it's one of the ways for God to change me. And when we are willing to cooperate with Him in changing ourselves, we may, one day, experience the sweet victory over these troubles in Him. =)
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Saturday, November 22, 2008
keep posting, 1001night!!!! =)waiting to read more~
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