Reality hurts....
Was talking to my friend from Winnipeg about issues with her church...
Sometimes I think churches are so focus on the increase in numbers, keeping the people, and getting the people to contribute... we forget why we are doing what we are doing in the first place...
The things we do are sometimes so narrow-minded that it seems to be all about the survival of our own individual church...but really, the body of Christ is not limited to members of the local's all the Christians together that make up the body of Christ - the Church...
Sometimes I wonder if this bible verse applies: "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. " (Matthew 16:25)...maybe when we can finally let go and place the survival of our individual church in God's hands, that's when we can really spread the gospel for what it is? and nurture believers for who they are? not what we want from them?
There are expectations to be met, but I always believe that if we were able to nurture them, the sense of responsibility will a response to Christ's love...
There is no perfect church, because church is made up by us - imperfect humans...
sigh...reality hurts...
Thursday, June 04, 2009
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